Cornerstone Community Bible Church was organized in 1989 and started meeting in the CETA Hall located in Coldsprings Township of Kalkaska County. The current building was built in 1994 and was expanded in 2000. We are a Country Bible Church located 12 miles NE of the Village of Kalkaska. We are also very close to recreation areas for boating in the Summer and snowmobiling in the Winter.
We have Kids Club that meets on Sunday evening from Sept-April. Adult Sunday School before the Service and Children's church during the Message time. Our adult Bible Study meets on Wednesday night. We have a nursery for parents with small children that is adjacent to the Sanctuary so that parents can still be a part of the service while keeping little ones occupied.
Each year we have VBS and host "God's Helping Hands" to conduct our VBS. They bring an exciting message to the kid's by the use of puppets, skits, music, games and other activities.


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
